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Reframing Community Exposures to Better Capture Aviation Related Health Effects - ANE Symposium 2024
An experiment was designed to measure the duration of the full sound spectrum of aircraft flyovers. A multichannel analyzer recorded both sound and the vibrations induced into solid surfaces from the sound energy. Each sound event lasted approximately 60 seconds. Multiple locations directly under the aircraft’s path were selected from the end of the runway to many miles away. The findings? The current FAA approved aircraft sound criteria and methodology does not include the vast majority of the sound being produced by aircraft as their primary sound is either not being measured at all or its presence is significantly discounted (subtracted) from the overall sound produced through the use of the manipulations associated with the dB(A) sound weighting. Many of the sounds that are being produced during flyovers correspond to resonant frequencies of the human body and these can be excited and become negative health exposures and should be treated as such. The presentation will make a call that all future aircraft noise studies also include dB(C) sound weighting as that measurement allows significantly more aircraft noise to be included in the DNL calculation.